ON REST - Part 2

Some years ago I was at a conference where I had the joy of meeting and listening to the author Mark Buchanan speak. At the time he was just releasing his excellent book 'THE REST OF GOD' which I highly recommend. I return to it often and in fact the follow up book ‘SPIRITUAL RHYTHMS’ is also excellent.

Here is a diagnostic list that Mark shared with those of us in attendance to help us ascertain if we needed ‘sabbath rest’. This goes beyond just having a good sleep. It’s more about spiritual rest and recovery (see ON REST - Part 1). This is not an exhaustive list (no pun intended). But it is a good tool to use to ascertain if you might need to be more intentional about a sabbath rhythm in your life or even an extended rest, which we sometimes call a sabbatical.

You know you need sabbath rest when...

  1. Your emotional response to a situation is disproportionate to the trigger of that response (your friend is 5 minutes late and you lose you cool on them).

  2. You are both restless and listless (you want to do something but don't care enough about anything, so you remain unmoved).

  3. You have a growing resentment against ___________ . (fill in the blank: work, spouse, kids, other drivers etc…)

  4. You complain a lot about ___________, and obsess over it rather than changing it.

  5. Other people start their conversations with you by saying “I know you are busy, but…”

  6. Your intimacy with God starts diminishing.

  7. You feel entitled or “owed” something.

  8. You are feeling sorry for yourself, undervalued or under-appreciated.

  9. You fantasize more and more (escapism from real life).

  10. Old temptations/anxieties re-awaken with increased intensity.

  11. Physical health issues begin to arise.

  12. You stop caring about what you really care about.

It’s been easy for me to check just about all these boxes at once at certain times in my life. Allow to me say, don’t be too hard on yourself, and try not to be overwhelmed. Just respond by carving out a bit of time to REST well. Start small and then build it. You will soon notice the benefits and it will be easier to schedule times of sabbath rest. Let me know how it goes!


ON REST - Part 1